List of courses on Social media marketing

1.Social Media Marketing – Content Marketing Masterclass(Udemy)

2.Social Media Marketing MASTERY 2023 | Ads on 10+ Platforms

3.Social Media Management – The Complete 2019 Manager Bootcamp(Udemy)

4.Indiana University: Career Networking: Build a Social Media Presence(Edx)

5.The University of Maryland, College Park: Online Advertising & Social Media(Edx)

6.Social Media Marketing 101 : Social Media Management Secrets

7.Mega Digital Marketing Course A-Z: 32 Courses in 1 + Updates(Udemy)

1.Social Media Marketing – Content Marketing Masterclass(Udemy)

What this course will teach: This guide provides a comprehensive guide to setting up a powerful online marketing strategy for your business. It covers understanding social media marketing, creating a schedule and plan, using various platforms, writing engaging content, email marketing, search engine optimization, creating YouTube channels, and creating professional profiles. It also covers how to get your business pages found in Google Local Search and Google Search, understanding the buyer journey, posting on social media platforms, sourcing and storing ideas, and creating high-quality posts. The guide also highlights the power of social media communities for brand building.

Rating: 4.5(5,694)

Link: Social Media Marketing – Content Marketing Masterclass

2. Social Media Marketing MASTERY 2024 | Ads on 10+ Platforms

What this course will take: This course covers various aspects of social media marketing, including creating optimized ads, monetizing Instagram, learning Twitter marketing strategies, mastering YouTube marketing, optimizing LinkedIn profiles, using Web 2.0 blogs for SEO and content marketing, learning social media marketing posting automation via IFTTT, and implementing Pinterest marketing strategies. It also covers using Google Business for local business SEO and becoming a Facebook Ads expert. The course aims to help individuals grow their businesses effectively on social media platforms.

Rating: 4.5(21141)

Link: Social Media Marketing MASTERY 2024 | Ads on 10+ Platforms

3.Social Media Management – The Complete 2019 Manager Bootcamp

What this course will teach: This course provides comprehensive information on major social media platforms, their approaches, content creation, tools for social media management, sales strategies, and efficient growth strategies. It also covers how to find your first client, outsourcing work, and finding a first assistant. The course is designed for those who want to grow their business to 6 or 7 figures in annual revenue. The course includes carefully planned assignments, resources like email templates, checklists, contracts, and client reports. Personal support is available to help answer questions. The course is available for a small one-time payment, no subscription, and offers high-quality information in one place. Access is available 24/7, with over 7 hours of HD video tuition. The course is delivered in an entertaining and enjoyable manner, and a 30-day refund policy is included.

Rating: 4.3(6,147)

Link: Social Media Management – The Complete 2019 Manager Bootcamp

4.IUx: Career Networking: Build a Social Media Presence

What this course will teach: This course teaches learners how to use social media platforms to build and advance their professional network. It covers strategies for creating effective profiles and posting content that generates organic connections. The course also teaches how to network with professionals in your area of interest and build an online presence within groups and teams. Social media platforms are increasingly used in workplaces, with hiring managers and entry-level workers relying on these platforms for recruitment.Assess your social media activity, create effective LinkedIn profiles, communicate professionally with potential connections, and develop a comprehensive social media plan to advance your career.

Link: IUx: Career Networking: Build a Social Media Presence

5.The University of Maryland, College Park: Online Advertising & Social Media

What this course will teach: This course teaches online brand and outreach strategy, focusing on data, customer insights, and platforms. It covers various analysis approaches, selecting the right networks and messages, and trending concepts like social media ads, active users, and influencers. It is designed for online media strategists, marketing analysts, and digital marketing leaders, as part of Maryland Smith’s Digital Marketing Professional Certificate.

Link: UMD, USMx: Online Advertising & Social Media

6.Social Media Marketing 101 : Social Media Management Secrets

What this course will teach: This text provides a comprehensive guide on social media marketing, focusing on audience targeting, content creation, and campaign optimization. It emphasizes the importance of identifying suitable platforms, creating compelling content, using analytics tools for performance measurement, implementing community management techniques, managing social media advertising campaigns, and leveraging influencer marketing to increase brand reach and credibility. It also emphasizes the need to stay updated with the latest trends and best practices to ensure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

Rating: 4.5(296)

Link: Social Media Marketing 101 : Social Media Management Secrets

7. Mega Digital Marketing Course A-Z: 32 Courses in 1 + Updates

What you will learn: The Mega Digital Marketing Course A-Z is a comprehensive course designed for beginners and intermediates, offering insights into marketing planning, research, website creation, AI-powered marketing, strategic marketing, psychology-driven marketing, and a holistic business approach. It covers marketing planning, research, competitor analysis, 21 cognitive biases, and the 4 business energies (Practical, Action, Social, Emotional). The course includes AI-assisted learning, an active Discord community, and a Q&A section for comprehensive guidance.

Rating: 4.6(14,561)

Link: Mega Digital Marketing Course A-Z: 32 Courses in 1 + Updates

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