The Best C++ coding Books 2024

1.C++ Crash Course: A Fast-Paced Introduction

C++ Crash Course is a comprehensive introduction to modern C++, written for experienced programmers. It covers the core language concepts, the C++ Standard Library, and the Boost Libraries. C++ is a widely used language for real-world software, and with the right knowledge, it can produce small, efficient, and readable code. The course is designed for intermediate to advanced programmers, covering the core of C++17, the most modern revision of the ISO standard. It covers various features of modern C++, including fundamental types, reference types, user-defined types, object lifecycle, compiler-time polymorphism, advanced expressions, smart pointers, data structures, containers, iterators, strings, algorithms, streams, files, concurrency, networking, and application development. With over 500 code samples and nearly 100 exercises, C++ Crash Course is a valuable resource for building a strong C++ foundation.

Rated 4.3 on Goodreads.

You can buy this book on Amazon.

2.C++ Primer (5th Edition)

C++ Crash Course is a comprehensive introduction to modern C++, written for experienced programmers. It covers the core language concepts, the C++ Standard Library, and the Boost Libraries. C++ is a widely used language for real-world software, and with the right knowledge, it can produce small, efficient, and readable code. The course is designed for intermediate to advanced programmers, covering the core of C++17, the most modern revision of the ISO standard. It covers various features of modern C++, including fundamental types, reference types, user-defined types, object lifecycle, compiler-time polymorphism, advanced expressions, smart pointers, data structures, containers, iterators, strings, algorithms, streams, files, concurrency, networking, and application development. With over 500 code samples and nearly 100 exercises, C++ Crash Course is a valuable resource for building a strong C++ foundation.

Rated 4.2 Goodreads.

You can buy this book here.

3.C++: Programming Basics for Absolute Beginners (Step-By-Step C++)

This comprehensive beginner’s guide to C++ is designed to help beginners learn the language, which is an evolution of the C programming language. C++ is a powerful and versatile language that can be used to create various programs. The guide is designed for beginners, taking them step-by-step through writing their first program, explaining each code portion, choosing a compiler and editor, and avoiding common pitfalls. It also serves as a reference manual, including a sample C++ library, a glossary of terms, and lists of available compilers, IDEs, and libraries for future reference. The guide covers the basics of C++, writing your first program, basic program structure, compilers, editors, sample applications, capabilities, benefits and limitations, minimizing bugs and errors, and avoiding hacking. The book is available for purchase and is a valuable resource for those looking to learn C++.

Rated 4 on Amazon.

You can purchase this course here.

4.Modern C++ Programming Cookbook: Master C++ core language and standard library features, with over 100 recipes, updated to C++20, 2nd Edition

The Modern C++ Programming Cookbook is a practical guide for understanding the complexities and core fundamentals of C++ programming. It covers the latest features of C++20, such as modules, coroutines, concepts, and ranges, and sheds new light on core concepts like functions, algorithms, threading, and concurrency. The book also teaches developers how to write fast and lean code using best practices. It explores useful patterns and idioms, such as pimpl, named parameter, and attorney-client, and teaches techniques like avoiding repetition with the factory pattern. The book also introduces readers to three widely used C++ libraries: Boost.Test, Google Test, and Catch2. By the end of the book, readers will be able to effectively leverage the features and techniques of C++11/14/17/20 programming to enhance the performance, scalability, and efficiency of their applications. The book also covers text searching and replacement problems, compilation, file system library usage, and testing frameworks for C++.

Rated 4 on Goodreads.

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5.C++ in One Hour a Day, Sams Teach Yourself

This comprehensive tutorial teaches C++ programming basics and advanced features, updated for the C++20 standard. It aims to help beginners write faster, simpler, and more reliable C++ code. No programming experience is required, and the book includes lessons on using variables, declaring constants, arrays, strings, expressions, statements, and operators. It also covers the fundamentals of object-oriented programming, including classes, Objects, inheritance, polymorphism, operator types, and casting operators. The tutorial also covers learning the Standard Template Library (STL) and lambda expressions and algorithms. The book includes nearly 300 code samples and previews improvements expected in C++23.

Rated 4.2 on Goodreads.

The book is available here.

6.Beginning C++ Game Programming: Learn to program with C++ by building fun games, 2nd Edition

The second edition of Beginning C++ Game Programming is an updated and improved resource for those interested in programming techniques and game development. It covers the basics of programming, such as object-oriented programming (OOP) and C++ pointers, and modern C++ programming techniques. The book also covers collision detection techniques and game physics, particle effects, directional sound (spatialization), OpenGL programmable shaders, spawning objects, and game design patterns. By the end of the book, readers will have the knowledge to build their own games with exciting features from scratch. The book covers various topics such as setting up a game development project in Visual Studio 2019, exploring C++ libraries, understanding core game concepts, using classes, inheritance, and references, adding advanced features, and scaling and reusing game code. It is suitable for those with no C++ programming knowledge, a beginner-level refresher course, or those aspiring to publish a game or impress friends with their creations.

Rated 4.5 on Amazon.

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7.Practical C++ Programming, Second Edition

Practical C++ Programming is a comprehensive introduction to the powerful C++ language, focusing on clean, elegant code design. It covers various aspects of programming, including syntax, coding standards, object class creation, templates, debugging, and optimization. The book also covers common mistakes and their prevention. With its clear writing style and hands-on approach, Practical C++ Programming offers a painless way to master this complex language.

Rated 4.5 on Amazon.

You can buy this book here.

8.C++ Programming in easy steps, 6th edition

C++ Programming in easy steps, 6th edition provides a comprehensive guide to programming in the powerful C++ native system language. The book teaches how to install a free C++ compiler, demonstrate C++ language basics, and provide examples of Object Oriented Programming (OOP). It is not platform-dependent, so programs can be created on any operating system. The book is suitable for beginners, programmers, students, and those seeking a career in computing. It doesn’t assume previous knowledge of any programming language, making it suitable for beginners.

Rated 4.5 on Amazon.

You can buy this course on Amazon.

9.C++ Programming: Complete Guide to Learn the Basics of C++ Programming in 7 days

This comprehensive guide to C++ programming is designed for beginners and experienced programmers. It covers essential aspects, provides practical examples, hands-on exercises, and expert tips. The book offers easy-to-understand explanations, a logical progression of topics, real-world scenarios, and hands-on exercises to reinforce key programming concepts. It is suitable for students, professionals, and hobbyists.

Rated 5 on Amazon.

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10.C++ for Beginners: An Introduction to C++ Programming and Object Oriented Programming with Tutorials and Hands-On Examples (Programming for Beginners)

This comprehensive guide to C++ programming is designed for beginners and experienced programmers. It covers essential aspects, provides practical examples, hands-on exercises, and expert tips. The book offers easy-to-understand explanations, a logical progression of topics, real-world scenarios, and hands-on exercises to reinforce key programming concepts. It is suitable for students, professionals, and hobbyists.

Rated 4.3 on Amazon.

You can purchase this book here.

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