1.Learning C# by Developing Games with Unity: Get to grips with coding in C# and build simple 3D games in Unity 2023 from the ground up
This updated edition of Harrison Ferrone’s bestselling series focuses on learning C# programming from scratch using Unity as a fun and accessible entry point. The book includes an invitation to join the online Unity Game Development community to read alongside peers, Unity developers, and C# programmers. Key features include developing a strong foundation of programming concepts and the C# language, becoming confident with Unity fundamentals and features in line with Unity 2023, and building a playable game prototype in Unity. The book covers the fundamentals of object-oriented programming, basic concepts of C#, and Unity engine, with code samples, exercises, and tips to go beyond the book with your work. The book covers game design, lighting basics, player movement, camera controls, collisions, and more. The book also covers creating and implementing C# scripts in Unity, dividing code into pluggable building blocks, grasping the basics of a game design document, creating basic game mechanics, and familiarizing yourself with stacks, queues, exceptions, error handling, and handling text, XML, and JSON data for game data storage and loading.
Rated 4.4 on Amazon
You can purchase this book on here.
2.Game Programming in C++: Creating 3D Games (Game Design)
Game Programming in C++ is a hands-on approach to programming 3D video games in C++, modeled on Sanjay Madhav’s game programming courses at USC. The course covers various aspects of real-world game programming, including 2D and 3D graphics, physics, AI, audio, and user interfaces. Students learn to use C++ in various facets of game programming, hone their skills through practical exercises, and deepen their expertise through start-to-finish projects. Madhav emphasizes demystifying the math required for professional game developers. The course covers implementing basic 2D graphics, game updates, vectors, game physics, AI algorithms, 3D graphics with OpenGL, shaders, matrices, and transformations, integrating and mixing audio, detecting collisions, responding to player input, building user interfaces, improving graphics quality, and loading and saving levels and binary game data. This course prepares developers to solve real problems with C++ throughout the game development lifecycle and is a proven route to success.
Rated 4.4 on Amazon.
The book is available here.
3.Unreal Engine 5 Game Development with C++ Scripting: Become a professional game developer and create fully functional, high-quality games
Unreal Engine 5 Game Development with C++ Scripting is a book that aims to help beginners master C++ programming and game development. The book covers various aspects of game development, including character creation, player input, gameplay, collision detection, UI, networking, and packaging a completed multiplayer game. The book begins by creating an Unreal Engine C++ project from the shooter template and then moves on to building the C++ project and C++ code inside the Visual Studio editor. It introduces fundamental C++ syntax and essential object-oriented programming concepts. The book covers NPC controls, collisions, interactions, navigation, UI, and the multiplayer mechanism. By the end of the book, readers will be well-equipped to create professional, high-quality games using Unreal Engine 5 with C++, building a solid foundation for more advanced C++ programming and game development technologies.
Rated 4.4 on Amazon.
The book can be purchased on Unreal Engine 5 Game Development.
4.Game Development with Blender and Godot: Leverage the combined power of Blender and Godot for building a point-and-click adventure game
Game Development with Blender and Godot is a comprehensive introduction to building 3D models and games. It teaches how to create, rig, and animate 3D low-poly models in Blender, explore the 3D workflow of Godot Engine, and use modeling and game design skills to create dynamic point-and-click games. The book focuses on low-poly modeling, teaches how to use materials, shaders, and textures in models, render and animate scenes in Blender, export Blender assets and import them into Godot, use 3D low-poly models in Godot to create fun games, design a dynamic game world, interact with the game via interfaces, and export your game for Windows. By the end of the book, the reader will have a seamless workflow between Blender and Godot, enabling them to create dynamic, interactive, and engaging games.
Rated 4.5 on Amazon.
This book is available on Amazon.
5.Coding Roblox Games Made Easy: Create, Publish, and Monetize your Games on Roblox, 2nd Edition
Coding Roblox Games Made Easy, 2nd Edition is a comprehensive guide for anyone looking to build their first game on the Roblox platform using Luau programming. The book covers topics such as building player avatars, battlefields, game physics, countdown timers, and more. It also provides tips, tricks, best practices, and advanced Roblox coding techniques to create 3D games. The book is recommended for anyone at any age looking to get started with building games on Roblox using Luau programming. With over 300 pages, it covers the basics of Luau programming, building two end-to-end games, and adding customizations before publishing and monetizing them. The bonus chapter, ’50 Cool Things to Do in Roblox’, offers helpful tips and information to save time when coding, animating, building avatars, using Robux, and more. The book is written by Zander, a rockstar Roblox developer and programmer, and includes resources such as Roblox Studio and other free resources. The book also covers character selection, countdown timers, escape items, and assigning rewards.
Rated 4.4 on Amazon.
This book is available for purchase here.
6.Beginning C++ Game Programming: Learn to program with C++ by building fun games, 2nd Edition
The second edition of Beginning C++ Game Programming is an updated and improved resource that provides a fun, example-driven approach to learning game development and C++ using C++ libraries and Visual Studio 2019. The book covers the basics of programming, such as object-oriented programming (OOP) and C++ pointers, as well as the Standard Template Library (STL). It also covers collision detection techniques and game physics, particle effects, directional sound (spatialization), OpenGL programmable shaders, and spawning objects. The book also explores game design patterns to enhance C++ game programming skills. By the end of the book, the reader will have the knowledge to build their own games with exciting features from scratch. The book covers setting up a game development project in Visual Studio 2019, exploring C++ libraries, understanding core game concepts, using classes, inheritance, and references, adding advanced features, and scaling and reusing game code.
Rated 4.5 on Amazon.
This book can be purchased on Amazon.
7.Game Development Using Python
This book provides a comprehensive guide to the basic game development process using Python, covering topics such as graphics, sound, artificial intelligence, animation, and game engines. It includes new chapters on card games and a side-scroller, and includes code samples using Pygame. The book also includes a companion disc with example code, game assets, and color figures. Instructor resources are available for use as a textbook. The companion files and instructor resources are available online.
Rated 4.7 on Amazon.
This book is available here.
8.Hands-On Unity 2022 Game Development: Learn to use the latest Unity 2022 features to create your first video game in the simplest way possible, 3rd Edition
Unity 2022 is a book that teaches you how to create, customize, and optimize professional games from scratch. The book includes an invitation to join the online Unity Game Development community, where you can learn from Unity developers and C# programmers. The book covers key features such as creating a game prototype, learning the fundamentals of Unity editor, adding interactivity, win/lose conditions, sound, graphics, and artificial intelligence using C# and visual scripting, improving game graphics, user interface, and adding visual effects and animations using Animator, Cinemachine, and Timeline. The book also covers coding a simple AI agent, working with profiling tools for code efficiency, and using Unity’s AR tools to create AR experiences for 3D apps and games. The book is designed for those interested in creating commercial-quality games that are playable on various platforms. The book includes hands-on tutorials and projects, as well as the ability to debug, test, optimize, and create an executable version of the game.
Rated 4.4 on Amazon.
This book can be bought here.